A Year of Dates

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A Year of Dates

This costs little-to-nothing to do, and spreads the costs of dates over the next 12 months. This idea is perfect for a first anniversary present (the paper anniversary), a birthday present, Valentine's Day, or a Christmas present (The 12 Dates of Christmas).

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Holiday Gift Tag Freebies


Holiday Gift Tag Freebies

It's the hap-happiest time of the year! And as promised, I've got you covered for all your holiday gift tag needs - for free. Simply download, print and cut for some fabulous looking presents underneath your tree! 



12 Gluten Free Products Worth Loving

It's never fun to spend the extra money to buy a gluten free product and then find out it's terrible.  The good news is, I've tried the good, the bad, the cheap and the uber expensive and have put together a list of items for you that are honestly even better than their gluten-filled counterparts! With that being said, here are 12 of my favorite gluten free products worth loving. 


Trends We Love: Coed Baby Showers


Trends We Love: Coed Baby Showers

Parents-to-be are increasingly choosing coed baby showers over the more traditional girls only route. We're kicking the cheesy old shower games to the curb in favor of modern games fit for guys and gals alike.  Check out this Excelsior Baby Shower for a unique mix of classic and contemporary.


5 Tips and Tricks for Your Gallery Wall


5 Tips and Tricks for Your Gallery Wall

You want assistance laying out a design? I'm your girl.  You want help hanging it? I'll help you look up the number for a great handyman. This was a one-time project and below are some tips that came out of the experience so hopefully you don't make the same mistakes I did. 


Cheers to New Beginnings

Cheers to New Beginnings

In the works since March, it is with great pleasure that I announce Pixel Loon is now a reality! I was ready for a break from education and after much deliberation my husband and I decided it was time to put my creativity to good use. Currently working on logo and invite projects, all of my work so far has been through word of mouth.  I am excited to launch the Pixel Loon website today and find out what the future holds! 

Master Simplicity


Master Simplicity

Keep things practical and useful. There's something to the old "form follows function" train of thought, but who says you can't balance both?


Stress Free Girls' Night: HOW TO


Stress Free Girls' Night: HOW TO

People get stressed out when having company.  Between the cooking, cleaning and playing the good host when guests arrive, some would just rather pass. Read on for tips on how to plan and execute a stress-free girls night. 


50 Shades of Blush

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50 Shades of Blush

You are the average of the people you spend the most time with, so don't you want those people to be happy?  The most simple thing you can do to boost these ladies' attitudes is to get them in a dress that they love and that actually fits them.  Bonus? It actually makes less work for you...

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A Tokyo Thanksgiving


A Tokyo Thanksgiving

Brian and I had hit it off on Halloween just a few weeks earlier and one night decided a spur of the moment Tokyo trip was a great idea.  A couple of friends who had just started seeing each other as well caught the travel bug with us and spontaneity prevailed....


Land Down Under


Land Down Under

After some deliberation, we decided that an African Safari is something we could still easily do during retirement (or at any point in the aging process), and the adventure that would be Sydney and Port Douglas required a little more youthful mobility and energy.  So Australia it was, and what better time to go than New Years!


DIY Wedding Flora


DIY Wedding Flora

If you're in the camp who believes the wedding industry has gotten out of control and that our money could be better spent on real estate, traveling, dining (insert pretty much anything else here), then read on. Here is how I did wedding flowers for under 300 dollars...
