From tea to body wash and meet-up groups to books my favorite things lists are sure to turn you onto something that’s too good to miss out on!

From tea to body wash and meet-up groups to books my favorite things lists are sure to turn you onto something that’s too good to miss out on!

In the spirit of full disclosure, is a compensated affiliate meaning we may make a small commission when you click on/purchase something through some of the links in this post. It doesn’t change the cost at all for you, but does help us keep on keepin’ on. All of these items, groups, events, places, etc. are things I actually use/attend/love and are not at all influenced by potential commissions.

Alright guys, we’re trying something a little new this year! Sometime during the second half of each month, I’m going to reflect back on my favorite things from the past couple weeks. Some months may have themes (favorites for mamas, favorites for kids, favorites for cooking, etc) and some months may be completely random, but whichever way it’s written you can bank on it being full of products, events, people/groups, etc. geared towards the 30-somethings just trying to keep it real. Oh, and yea- these are likely going to be actual things outside of my obvious real favorite things - God, husband, baby, family, friends, Pixel Loon clients, good people, etc. So before you get all bent out of shape about my focus on “things” here, just rest assured that my priorities are just fine ;)

Let’s jump right in…

Minne Mama Meetup

I can’t very well do a January favorites and not put this awesome group at the top! This is a duo that hosts awesome events throughout the Twin Cities metro that bring together mamas for great food, wine and real talk. Go follow them on Instagram and fill up your cup (literally and figuratively) at their next event.

Pictures of the last event from the very talented Bethany Walker Photography.


Tonkadale Greenhouse

While this happened to be the location of this month’s Minne Mama Meetup, Tonkadale deserves its own spot on our list because it’s amazing. It’s gorgeous, inspirational AND has classes/workshops for kids and adults! I have a feeling I’m going to be getting into a lot of trouble over there this year!

Pictures at Tonkadale by the very talented Bethany Walker Photography.


Pukka Herbs Organic Turmeric Glow Herbal Tea

In case you weren’t sure, it’s winter here. Thus begins my annual groaning about “why do I still live here”, “will my joints ever be fully functional again?” and “why am I still shivering in my own home?”. Okay, I do really try to keep it positive most of the time, but these thoughts do cross my mind on more than one occasion. Either way, I don’t know if it’s the cold weather or *old* age or what, but I’ve all of a sudden become a big tea drinker. This Pukka Turmeric tea is one of my favorites - give it a try and let me know what you think/what your favorites are right now!


My Instant Pot

See #2 about winter. Winter = soup season. Instant pot = the best soups. I mean, I don’t think I need to say more, the math speaks for itself. But in case you need more convincing…check out my new favorite soups: My Instant Pot Wild Rice Soup and Pressure Luck’s Instant Pot Split Pea Soup. Yup, you read that right - split pea soup. I promise it’s delicious and not gag-worthy like you typically think when you think “split pea soup”.


Tru Fru Freeze Dried Chocolates

My neighbor turned me onto these and I can’t. get. enough! I’ve seriously convinced myself that they’re practically a health food, what with all those antioxidants and all. Dark chocolate over freeze dried fruit? Sign me up for a lifetime supply. These are the perfect way to satisfy that sweet tooth at the end of the day without feeling guilty. Bonus? They go great with wine :)


Girl, Wash Your Face

Okay, so I may be a little late to the game on this one but I’ve finally started it and obviously love it. I wasn’t quite sold on it at first. I’m not a big fan of “self-help” books or having some girl I don’t know try to tell me how to live my life (the irony of the fact that I have a blog that shares similar advice is not lost on me here, hah!), but after listening to Rachel Hollis read this book on Audible for a little while, I was like “dang it, she got me”. She’s relatable and funny and even if you’re like me and think you have it pretty figured out, you’ll still find some good reminders and advice. I mean hey, we can’t be total rockstars at every single aspect of our lives all the time so why not hear about relatable stories and tips that helped her!?


Love Beauty and Planet Tea Tree and Vetiver Body Wash

This stuff makes me feel like I’m on a beach vacation, and not in that cheesy “Ocean Breeze” scent that you’ll find in every mom’s bathroom kind of way. This body wash is so calming and revitalizing all at the same time. I seriously just breath it all in and take that extra moment to escape from the reality that is Minnesota winter.


My Sorel Boots

Winter became much more enjoyable once I invested in some proper footwear. I absolutely love these boots and the fact that they keep my little toesies warm while doing all those fun Minnesotan things like snow shoeing, sledding, and well, whatever else outdoorsy people do in the winter.


What are some of your favorites this month?! Drop a note in the comments below - also be sure to let me know if you try any of these items and what you think!
